Monday, May 28, 2007

Hayden Seth Mumm

Introducing our new baby boy:

More later...

Monday, April 09, 2007

6 weeks to go and counting

Tomorrow I'll be at 34 weeks (out of 40.) I can't wait for it to get here, but on the other hand we still have a lot to do.

Tyson is also very excited about his brother's arrival (yes, I said brother, close enough.) He's pretty sick of me disturbing him every night when I have to get up at 3am and he's really sick of me coming home from work and taking a nap instead of playing with him. He's very confused about all of the little clothes and blankets I've been washing and folding (which, by the way, smell so sweet from the Dreft.) He's scared to death of the swing in Hayden's room and he's extremely intrigued by the stuffed animals and books in the closet. He doesn't really understand why there are toys in the house that aren't for him. And he's already been yelled at for going near the diaper pail and for tearing up a diaper (or two.)

Anyway, here are some pictures of Tyson trying out some of Hayden's stuff for him:

His big puppy (yum!):

His touch-and-feel puppy book:

One of his hooded towels:

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Baby Shower

My baby shower was today. Amy, Nicole, and Catherine held it for me and it was a lot of fun. Matt's mom, sister Pam, niece Ana, and sister-in-law Lydia all drove all the way from Memphis just to attend. It was really great to see all of them. I also got to see my friend Julie (and her husband) who are down in Austin and my Grandma came up from Corpus Christi, too.

I got so many presents! (Well, I guess Hayden did.) He has so many cute clothes now and I got a lot of other stuff for him like a swing, diapers, wipes, bath stuff, cute hooded towels, blankets, etc. For such a tiny little thing he sure does need an awful lot of stuff.

Here are some pictures from the shower:

Amy, me, Catherine, & Nicole:

Hook 'em Horns:

Lots of presents (and this couch only has room for 2 pregnant ladies):

Hayden's Grandma & Great-Grandma

The cute cake:

Julie (being silly of course):

Monday, February 19, 2007

Hayden's Nursery

So we've pretty much decided on the name Hayden. We don't have a middle name yet, though.

So we've done a lot for his room. My dad cut and installed chair rail molding in his room and Nick and my mom helped us paint the room. Matt had to paint the molding himself because I couldn't help (too smelly.) We have his crib and changing table and his bedding all set up. We (I) also installed some shelves in his closet for his toys. We still need curtains and my dad is going to stain a bookshelf for us, but it's definitely getting there.

Painting Hayden's Room:

Hayden's Room: (some of these pics are kinda grainy. Check out the swing pic for a better idea of the room color)

Hayden's Closet:

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Still a BOY!

Just a quick note to let y'all know that we had a third sonogram today and the baby remains a boy. It seems funny, but we were a little nervous about it. We also got to see a lot more of him this time. We saw his brain layers, his spine, his heart, his face (sorta), and his hands and feet. It was really neat. Our next sonogram isn't until 36 weeks, so it'll be a while before we get to see him again.

Sonogram pictures:
coming soon

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

It's a BOY!

We had our second sonogram today and found out that we're having a baby boy! I can't even begin to tell you how excited Matt is. I don't think he'll ever stop smiling. Our sonogram took about 45 minutes because he was being quite stubborn and wouldn't move enough for the tech to see his "boy parts". Finally, after laying on my side and a bit of squishing of him, he rolled around enough to get the money shot. We also got to use a cool new sonogram machine that recorded the whole thing straight to DVD.

Sonogram Pictures:
coming soon

Friday, November 10, 2006

The most beautiful sound in the world

I had my doctor appointment on Tuesday and Matt and I were able to hear the baby's heartbeat. It was the most amazing thing to hear. And it was SO fast! At the next appointment, we just listen to the heartbeat again, but for my 5 month check-up (beginning of January) we have a sonogram and get to find out the sex of the baby.

I'm probably going to tell my manager today. She wants to talk about my assignments and schedule for the next couple months, so I figure it's a good time to bring it up.

Tyson has been really sick lately and we've had to take him to the vet twice in the last week. But I think he's better now. At least he seems to be. It especially sucked because Matt was out-of-town on business for 2 of those days and I had to deal with him all by myself.

More later. Grandma is in town this weekend and I need to buy some new pants this weekend - my tummy's getting bigger!